Monday, May 3, 2010

Relief at last...

Finally, a moment to breathe. Last night - well, this morning really, thanks to the seven-hour time difference - two of my three classes ended. I'm still exhausted. I finished my last paper and submitted it around 0830, but then I had to attend an IG briefing at 1000. I walked to my room and managed a thirty minute nap. Of course, the briefer was late and we didn't start until twenty minutes after. When I finally got to sleep, it was only good for a couple of hours because I had to meet someone at my office for an investigative interview. After that, I figured I might as well stay up for the remainder and try to click back into a normal sleep schedule.

This week, I will drag myself back to the gym and try to tighten up before going on leave.

I'm very excited about my mid-tour leave coming up next month. I'm flying to Alaska where I'll meet up with Andi and the kids. I haven't checked it on the globe, but my suspicion is that I am flying the long way around the planet. I have to remember to bring my travel mug on the plane - Soldiers are not permitted to imbibe of delicious adult beverages while in uniform, so I will do what we warriors do best: camouflage!

We have a beautiful cabin rented about an hour north of Anchorage. A salmon filled stream runs through the property behind the house. It sounds like a perfect break away from this sand-filled spot in the middle of nowhere. We have some different activities planned to do with the kids, but mostly I just want to chill out and enjoy my time with my family.

My sister found some old pictures of me from when I was a young, 82nd Airborne Division paratrooper - lean and mean. Hard to believe I was ever that young...or that thin.

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